UNITY FOR TOMORROW: key messages from the Ivory Coast Voluntary National Review at HLPF 2022

At the UN High-Level Political Forum 2022, there have been country-focused reports and analyses. For these countries of which the Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) is one, the reports have expectedly been on SDGs and the plans for the future with regards to the accomplishment of set goals.

Côte d’Ivoire has worked to incorporate the 2030 and 2063 agendas into its Development Plans, and sectorial and local policies, under the High Aegis of His Excellency Alassane OUATTARA, President of the Republic. Thus, the PND 2021-2025, the operational translation of the « solidarity Côte d’Ivoire » vision, aims to accelerate the structural transformation of the economy in order to elevate Côte d’Ivoire to the upper tier of middle-income countries by 2030.

Since 2016, activities to raise awareness and mobilise stakeholders have been carried out in order to ensure that each citizen contributes to the balance between environmental quality, economic efficiency, and social progress. This process allowed for the prioritization of 40 targets and the identification of 11 accelerators, one of which was the Government’s Social Program (PSGouv) 2019-2020. The PSGouv2 was kept in place from 2022 to 2024 in order to accelerate the pace of poverty and inequality reduction. The success of PND 2016-2020 has resulted in significant poverty reduction and improved population access to health, education, employment, drinking water, and sanitation, accomplishments that have allowed the country to maintain economic growth despite an unfavourable global environment.

Indeed, the Ivorian economy’s resilience to external shocks, combined with the effectiveness of its economic and health response plan, has allowed it to contain the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic and achieve a growth rate of around 2% in 2020, compared to a contraction of 2% in Sub-Saharan Africa.

                                       Map of Ivory Coast SDGs

Despite its performance, the country faces challenges in providing people with basic social services, maintaining strong, inclusive, diverse, and sustainable economic growth, developing the private sector, and mobilizing resources for funding the SDGs. To strengthen resilience and combat fragility, the government intends to accelerate economic structural transformation by expanding opportunities for wealth and job creation, particularly for young people and women. The government will maintain a high-quality and easily accessible healthcare system, support the implementation of Universal Health Coverage, implement strategies to improve learners’ knowledge and fundamental skills and step up efforts to combat illiteracy.

Furthermore, the government is continuing its efforts to empower women and young girls by developing human capital in terms of school enrolment and retention, as well as improving their sexual and reproductive health. as well as their financial inclusion. The government will also prioritize the control, security, and mobilization of water resources. It will ensure equal access to electricity for all citizens, as well as the promotion of renewable and clean energies for long-term development. With the improvement of labour market governance and access to decent housing for all, a vigorous policy for access to decent employment for all, including young people and people with disabilities, will be pursued.


Côte d’Ivoire will maintain a healthy living environment through eco-citizenship practices, create opportunities for climate-resilient investments, and make the green economy a source of job creation in order to face the threats of climate change. Through the implementation of the national sustainable development strategies « green pact. ».

Also in the report, Côte d’Ivoire will promote close coordination between agro-salvo-pastoral and fisheries activities, as well as climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts, in order to develop sustainable agriculture and inclusive value chains. The State has undertaken to finance major statistical operations and operationalize the reform of the national statistical system in order to produce factual and disaggregated statistical data.

Finally, with the assistance of the United Nations system, the Ivorian government has begun the process of localizing the SDGs. To that end, the lessons learned from the pilot project in the Gbêkê region will be capitalized on and replicated across the territory through collaborations between civil society, local governments, and the private sector. With the aid of structural programs like the HLPF currently ongoing, more stringent actions will be encouraged towards achieving all the lofty goals.

About the author

Dr. Florence Akano

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