Chad’s Declaration at the 79th United Nations General Assembly: A Call for Peace, Solidarity, and Action

In a powerful address delivered by Allah Maye Halina, Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Chad, the African nation emphasised its commitment to global peace, sustainable development, and human dignity during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The message was clear: to build a just and peaceful world, unity and diversity must be leveraged for progress.

Prime Minister Allah Maye Halina began his address by warmly congratulating Fong Young, the former Prime Minister of Cameroon, on his election as President of the 79th General Assembly session. His words reflected Chad’s appreciation for the United Nations’ work and its continued efforts to promote peace and security globally. 

The theme of the 79th session, “Unity and Diversity for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development, and Human Dignity Everywhere and for Everyone,” resonated deeply with Chad’s national vision. Prime Minister Halina called on the international community to go beyond mere rhetoric, urging for concerted actions to overcome the world’s many obstacles. Chad believes that a just and peaceful world can only be built if all nations act with determination and compassion, ensuring that every individual and community can prosper.

Addressing Terrorism in the Sahel

The Sahel region, where Chad is located, is no stranger to conflict and instability. Chad has long been a front-line state in combating terrorism, a challenge that has remained a persistent threat to peace and development in the region. Prime Minister Halina highlighted that Chad faces constant threats from terrorist groups whose origins and sources of funding often remain elusive. These groups undermine the nation’s institutions, destabilise communities, and hinder development efforts, aggravating the already harsh conditions faced by many.

The Prime Minister pointed out that despite the efforts of Chad and other countries in the Sahel, the international community has not shown a genuine collective will to tackle the scourge of terrorism effectively. He called for a firm commitment from all nations to fight terrorism, stressing that cooperation is critical to restoring stability, ensuring security, and creating an environment where all people can live without fear.

He further stated that the fight against terrorism should be viewed as a global responsibility. According to the Prime Minister, terrorism is not confined by borders; its impacts ripple far beyond the immediate conflict zones. Therefore, the international community must join forces and work toward defeating terrorism and establishing the conditions necessary for lasting peace in Chad, across Africa, and globally.

Climate Change: A Pressing Threat

Climate change emerged as a significant focus of Chad’s declaration. The country has been profoundly affected by its impacts, which have disrupted agricultural production, led to food insecurity, and displaced vulnerable populations. The Sahel is particularly susceptible to environmental degradation, with Chad experiencing protracted droughts, desertification, and unpredictable flooding—all of which undermine economic stability and threaten the livelihoods of millions.

Prime Minister Halina called on the international community to honour the commitments made in global climate agreements, including those related to climate financing, climate justice, and the transfer of green technologies. He argued that developed countries must take responsibility for their role in contributing to climate change by providing adequate support to disproportionately affected countries like Chad.

Under the leadership of President Mahamat Idriss Déby, Chad has been working tirelessly to improve access to basic necessities, including education, clean drinking water, energy, healthcare, and economic opportunities. These efforts are part of Chad’s broader goal of building resilience to climate change and addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality. 

Chad also called for more significant investment in climate adaptation and resilience, urging wealthier nations to fulfil their financial commitments to the Green Climate Fund. Prime Minister Halina stressed that without adequate support, countries like Chad will struggle to cope with the growing impacts of climate change, which are already straining national resources and exacerbating socio-economic challenges.

Refugee Crisis and Sudan Conflict

Chad is currently facing a severe humanitarian crisis as it hosts over two million refugees, who represent roughly 15% of the country’s population. This situation has put immense pressure on Chad’s already limited resources, creating additional challenges for the government in meeting the needs of both the refugees and its own citizens. The Prime Minister spoke of the ongoing conflict in Sudan, which has led to a continuous flow of refugees into Chad. He called on the global community to support the refugees and the host populations burdened by this crisis.

Prime Minister Halina also called attention to the worsening situation in Sudan, highlighting the devastating impact the conflict is having on civilian populations. He reiterated Chad’s urgent call for an immediate ceasefire in Sudan and appealed for unhindered humanitarian access to the millions of victims affected by the war. The Prime Minister noted that the crisis cannot be resolved through military means; instead, it requires a peaceful solution rooted in dialogue and negotiation.

Condemnation of Violence and Commitment to Global Solidarity

The Prime Minister also addressed other areas of conflict across the globe. He expressed concern over the escalating violence and its devastating humanitarian consequences in Ukraine and the Middle East, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He called for an end to violence against innocent civilians and reaffirmed Chad’s commitment to a two-state solution, recognising the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.

Chad condemned the atrocities committed against civilians in Gaza and other parts of Palestine, calling for a peaceful and negotiated solution to the conflict. Stressing that the international community cannot remain indifferent to the suffering of innocent civilians, he urged the UN to act to de-escalate tensions in the region. The spread of the conflict to Lebanon, he noted, has further complicated the situation, posing a serious threat to regional and international stability.

The Prime Minister also expressed Chad’s support for lifting the economic embargo on Cuba, highlighting the importance of solidarity in times of need. He argued that such measures only harm ordinary people and hinder their ability to develop and thrive.

Calls for Security Council Reform and Greater African Representation

Another significant aspect of Chad’s declaration was the call for reform of the United Nations Security Council. Prime Minister Halina reiterated Africa’s demand for greater representation in global governance. He referred to the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration, which outline Africa’s position on the need for reform, including permanent representation for African nations on the Security Council.

The Prime Minister argued that it is time to rectify the historical injustice of excluding Africa—a continent of more than a billion people—from having a legitimate role in shaping international policy. 

“Africa is not asking for special treatment but rather for the recognition of its rightful place within the global community.”

He argued that such reform would not only be a matter of justice but would also strengthen the Security Council’s legitimacy and effectiveness in addressing the complex challenges facing the world today.

A Vision for Future Generations

Prime Minister Halina also highlighted the importance of investing in Chad’s youth, who make up more than 65% of the country’s population. 

“The government is committed to empowering young people by providing access to quality education and creating opportunities for their active participation in political and economic life.”

The Prime Minister stressed that investing in youth is crucial to preventing them from being lured into radicalism and violent extremism, which remain significant challenges in the region.

Chad called on the United Nations to support an open labor market and create an environment that allows African youth to flourish. The Prime Minister pointed out that the reasons for migration among African youth are often linked to the economic divide that separates countries, even within the same region. He urged the international community to address these disparities and create opportunities for young people so that they can contribute to the development of their home countries rather than seeking opportunities abroad.

Commitment to Multilateralism and United Nations Ideals

In concluding his address, Prime Minister Halina reaffirmed Chad’s commitment to the founding ideals and principles of the United Nations Charter. He called on the international community to strengthen multilateralism, emphasizing that only through collective action can humanity overcome the challenges it faces. He stressed the importance of building a world characterized by justice, fairness, and solidarity—values that are at the core of the United Nations’ mission.

Prime Minister Halina expressed Chad’s belief that, despite the numerous obstacles on the path to peace, development, and human dignity, it is the collective responsibility of all nations to pursue these goals. 

About the author

Olivier Noudjalbaye Dedingar

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